Música VermellaMúsica VermellaMúsica VermellaMúsica VermellaMúsica Vermella

Noise Manifest

Yakuza by ZanEs absurdo concebir ideas definitivas, irrisorias en comparación con la historia de todos los tiempos, de todas las ideas. Defenderlas e imponer los dogmas resulta inútil. El animal humano ha perdido toda su incidencia y se presenta ahora como icono representativo de de la mecanización social y su clasificación organizada en modelos y estereotipos. los dioses de ésta nueva era son antiterroristas y se manifiestan tiernos y discretos, anestesiantes y fulminantes. Los nuevos mandamientos no han sido escritos; peor aún, aparecen en forma de bienestar o calma. Tu máxima gratificación el dinero, comprarás una casa de diseño y la decorarás con muebles de las revistas de los grandes almacenes, el mejor atrezzo del nuevo gran teatro del mundo. Tendrás hijos, amigos modélicos y bien situados, y un coche caro, pero seguro, asegurado. Invertirás en bolsa y en cajas de pensiones, residencias y defunciones.

Sorollisme no és sinónimo de oposicón ni antónimo de activismo, supone reflexión y punto de vista, insubordinación a los aspectos ilógicos del sistema global, local. Es fruto del entorno impregnado de ruidos estridentes y desagradables, repetitivos y desorganizados, símptomas de la decadéncia y la iresponsabilidad, pero para nada culpables de lo que los causa. Fruto del pasado avantguardista y su imaginación. Anti arte-clasificado y dispuesto a convivir y aceptar los errores y su disposición: ruidos que forman sonidos y estructuras rítmicas,  potencial armamentístico y destructivo, al igual que impulsivo y creador, descubridor. Caos acústico que genera música, música que genera expressión. Ruido, gráfico o auditivo, ruido que no prescinde de los sonidos.

Sorollisme rechaza los conceptos clausurados y limitados, e interpreta la percepción del entorno y los paisajes humanos como ruido, interpretación no filosófica, pero si poética: poesía no es habilidad, ni una idea. Es un estado.

El valor de la cultura es limitado y burocrático.

About us

Musica Vermella is a netlabel created as a link between Barcelona and Berlin releasing music and graphic artworks in digital and  mostly in free format and under Creative Commons licenses.

Música Vermella is Dubstep, is HipHop, is Braindance, Bass music, Breakcore, Concrete Music, is Grime,  Dub, Wonky, Breakstep. Is music, red music.


Here you can download our showcase proposition:

Portfolio in .pdf


Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

You are free:
  • to Remix — to adapt the work


Under the following conditions:
  • Attribution — You must attribute the work in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). 

  • Noncommercial — You may not use this work for commercial purposes. 

  • Share Alike — If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same or similar license to this one. 

With the understanding that:
  • Waiver — Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder.

  • Public Domain — Where the work or any of its elements is in the public domain under applicable law, that status is in no way affected by the license.

  • Other Rights — In no way are any of the following rights affected by the license:

    • Your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations;

    • The author's moral rights;

    • Rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.

  • Notice — For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to this web page.


To book someone of our artists you have to send us an e-mail, using our contact box, or sending it directly at contact (at) musicavermella.com, specifying the conditions, date and place of the concert, and we'll send you our standard cache.



Turkesa a.k.a. Rabodiga

Zan (RazaRoja)


Related tracks




Something new is coming this summer

We are working on a new net/label (a label and netlabel): blauwald

Follow us on facebook to keep updated


Advice about audio quality

From now on we're going to release all our publications with the same encoding. This is 320kbps for the releases downloaded from the site, and 128kbps for those on YouTube, Vimeo, Grooveshark and similar sources.

This measure starts with our latest release, [MV021] Ubik - My room is the world


música vermella showcase @ miscëlanea

Dissabte, 21 de Maig

Showcase @ MiscëlaneaShowcase mig diurn de música.vermella.netlabel.


Livesets a càrrec de:


Preu: 3€ socis // 4€ no socis (Tots els concerts)
Dissabte 21 de 19:30 - 23:30

música.vermella showcase @ miscëlanea


Música Vermella @ UnderRadio!

Dilluns, 2 de Maig

The next monday (2nd) of May, Madame will offer an electronic music session, based on wonky and dubstep, at 14:00 to 16:00h. Música Vermella tracks will be there!

Here you have the online radio link!



If you wanna get access to our last releases and news in a faster and easier way, and from everywhere, subscribe to our RSS!

Moreover, unlike many RSS feeds, the Música Vermella's feeds are fulfilled, ie, not try to summarize the text and attach all possible information (zips, mp3 and others).

What is RSS?

RSS is the abbreviation of Really Simple Sindication. RSS is a way to distribute contents that identifies the most imortant part of the news (like the title, a summary and / or some images).

What is Podcast?

Podcast comes from Play-On-Demand (POD) and broadcasting.

A Podcast is a series of digital media files (like Música Vermella's publications) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication.

Some of most known podcasting apps (or podcatchers) are: iTunes, gPodder, Miro, Doppler, Amarok, Winamp...

How to subscribe

To subscribe to any RSS you'll need an RSS reader. These could be websites, applications, browsers, mobile apps...

Websites. Google Reader, MyYahoo, NetVibes o Bloglines.
You only need to register in any of these pages and add subscriptions you want. Thanks to work from a website you can access your subscriptions from all over the world, including mobile devices. Undoubtedly this is the best option.
Browsers. Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome.
Safari and Firefox browsers have RSS readers by default that allow you to add feeds as bookmarks. However, Google Chrome has not default RSS readers but its developers have created an extension.
Applications. RSSOwl, Great News...
There are many RSS readers as computer apps. In the title we've mentioned a couple but if you search on google quickly find many more.

But, how can I do it?

Click the RSS link you like and copy the address of the browser or simply right click on the link and then on "Copy link location".

Subscribe to the RSS you like most or all!

Contact us

E-mail us

contact at musicavermella dot com

Don't be shy

Contact us with any suggestions, critique, proposal or collaboration, whether or not related to electronic music and netlabelism. We wish proposals of all colors and trends.
