[MV&BH001] Música Vermella & BrokenHead Recs. EP
The third publication of Música Vermella appeared in praise to the dubstep, and as a result of a joint collaboration with Brokenhead Records (Madrid), with musicians Pisu and Trippa (Musica Vermella) Easy Chef (Broken Head recs.) and with the collaboration of Rdub. This EP is a sample of the electronic branch of our label and we hope that our selection is of your taste!
“But once I become a sound, calm has conquered the room ial’instant I wanted to believe that anyone who does not know everything I know, no right to question my perceptions, as much magic absurd, absurd. And everything is reduced to the absurd. it becomes an absurdity and charm that becomes a storm. A storm that lashed the pillars of a broken time and stuck by force, or where one of the most insignificant lines drawn its land linked with grace, and while I am able to see and fictitious stories perfect, highly detailed, not concrete, not fleeting, of exceptional beauty and some do not believe that some Ouch, I die of grief for you, deceived and slowly drowning in an ad that has brought happiness to reject the magnitudes of a caress, for creure’t that everything that you have no value, and all have it, and nothing is pure. It pus. You pus.“
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